Thursday 26 May 2016


Severe headaches can be so painful and at times frustrating. You would feel like cutting your head off at a point to ease off the pain . If only you can.
Here are eight home remedies that can help you feel real good.

1 : Ginger ;

Mix ginger with lemon juice or add ginger to your tea. This help to reduce inflammation of the blood vessels hence easing the pain in the head.

2 : Water ;

In some cases causes of headache can be due to dehydration,a simple glass of water will do the magic in this case by helping to rehydrate the body. You can also sip through out the day.

3 : Soak your feet in warm water ;

Placing your feet in warm water and add mustard powder if available to it. This really goes a long way to help relieve the pain in the Head.

4 : Lemon ;

Add lemon to warm water or get a dry lemon that has been meshed into paste and apply on your forehead to relieve the pain.

5 : Simple Excersie;

At times what is just needed is just some little stretch here and there to get a good relief. Stetch your neck, move your chin up and down , and you can also bend your neck sideways to each other to feel relief.

6 : Apply Ice ;

Apply ice to the back of your neck, the cold from the ice helps reduce inflammation that calibrates to headache. I strongly believe applying ice to the forehead as so many believe is not that cool.

7 : Apple ;

Yea an apple a day sure keeps you away from the doctor.

A piece of apple sprinkled with little salt can go a long way to help restore balance in the body which starts from the head.

8 : Take a nap and just rest.

Most times headaches can be caused by fatigue and what you just need to do is to really take a cold bath and rest for some time to get back to your real self. Never underestimate this, it works a great deal.


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